Dr. Nicola Williams

Dr. Nicola Williams

B.Sc. Diagnostic Radiography, M.Res. History of Science, Ph.D. History of Science

I’m currently working as a post-doctoral fellow in the History of Science at the Leeds and Humanities Research Institute (LAHRI), at the University of Leeds. Broadly speaking my research area falls within the remit of the history of biology and history of technology in the twentieth century. More specifically I have specialist knowledge in the areas of electron microscopy and cellular and molecular biology, women in science and visual culture.

I recently studied for a PhD in the History of Science at the University of Leeds. Here my research focused on Professor Irene Manton (1904-1988) who was the first female professor at the University of Leeds ––still a rare position for a woman at the time. Manton distinguished herself in her work on the cytotaxonomy of ferns and post-WWII she was a pioneer of the new field of electron microscopy within biology. Here Manton made fundamental discoveries in cell biology. I’ve presented my research to international conferences and have published the following articles:

Peer-Reviewed Journals:

Williams, Nicola (2016) ‘Irene Manton, Erwin Schrödinger and the Puzzle of Chromosome Structure’ Journal of the History of Biology, 49, (3), pp. 425-459 (doi: 10.1007/s10739-015-9424-5). https://rdcu.be/6htT

Articles and Contributions

Williams, Nicola (2018) ‘Irene Manton, FRS (1904–1988)’ in, Leeds: Cradle of Innovation, Rachel Unsworth (ed.), Leeds Sustainable Development Group, pp. 202-3 (ISBN: 978-0-9539745-4-2)

Williams, Nicola (2016) ‘Irene Manton: A Leeds Biologist Who Made Her Mark’ February 2016, North Leeds Life, p. 8. https://issuu.com/northleedslife/docs/2016_february_b

I have qualifications in microbiology and diagnostic radiography, and I’ve previously worked in academic publishing and as a hospital radiographer. I’m interested in communicating science to both a professional and a general audience and my background enables me to be flexible in writing across the health and life sciences and about science and technology.

In my spare time I enjoy walking in the countryside with my pet Labrador, reading and socializing. I am also mum to two girls both of whom like science!

Articles from Dr. Nicola

Understanding REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Understanding REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Biomaterials and Immune Modulation: Advancing Regenerative Medicine

Biomaterials and Immune Modulation: Advancing Regenerative Medicine

Uncovering the Mystery of the Human Brain with Computational Neuroscience

Uncovering the Mystery of the Human Brain with Computational Neuroscience

Understanding Standard-Of-Care in an Evolving World

Understanding Standard-Of-Care in an Evolving World

What Role do Biobanks Play in Cancer Research?

What Role do Biobanks Play in Cancer Research?

Recent Advancements in Treating HIV

Recent Advancements in Treating HIV

What are the Current Challenges in Mental Health Disorder Diagnosis?

What are the Current Challenges in Mental Health Disorder Diagnosis?

What Role has Social Media Played in COVID-19?

What Role has Social Media Played in COVID-19?

The Psychology Behind Nail Biting

The Psychology Behind Nail Biting

What is Personalized Nutrition?

What is Personalized Nutrition?